Sunday, September 2, 2012


Image from:

Name: Un-Go アンゴ

Movie: UN-GO: Inga Ron Status: Completed
Episode: 11
Release date (for eng subs): Every Saturday

Based on the works of Ango Sakaguchi, the story follows Shinjūrō Yūki, a detective who solves mysteries with his strange partner, Inga. It is set in a futuristic Japan that has been affected by a major war and numerous terrorist attacks, after JSDF forces were deployed as peacekeepers abroad.

Summary from:

Personal ratings: 3.5
This show has a very deep meaning to every action and speech they make.
I had problems trying to understand some parts, especially the last case, where they talk about all the random microwave stuff, etc. 
I did not really like the way it ended. I still have so many questions they did not answer. Like How his partner became his partner, and what was the contract about. Really had alot of questions and it seemed incomplete to me. 

Even though there are parts that i do not understand, for some reason, i just could not stop watching. This show is very wordy, but it also has quite alot of action for a mystery show. Really hope you can try watching this.
I like how all the cases actually have some sort of link to the last case. I also like the depth of this anime. It really all linked up to one thing; War. I think that this show actually focuses more on humans and their thinking, instead of the mystery; as they didn't really dwell much on how the answer was deduced, but what actually happened and the reason. That's what I find so unique about this show, it's not really your typical mystery animes like Detective Conan, though a little bit like Gosick, but a little less depth and more action scenes. 

Recommend watching it twice.

Art ratings: 4
loved everything except the main guy, his hair looks weirdly stiff. The rest seems perfect. Did not really liked the way they draw the eyes for the adults; to long.
I love their character design. Really cute, and really matches the personality of the characters.

Recommended for:
Gender: Female & Male
Age: 16 and above
My Ratings: PG-13

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